Saturday, March 3, 2012

I Think I Can

      "I Think I Can"

       -- The Little Engine That Could

This is an unscheduled post which was prompted by an event in my life that happened just last night. It was a good-bye party hosted by a group of coworkers whom I have gotten to know over a period of 16 years.  Our particular team had been terminated rather unexpectedly.  We were responsible for the software development, maintenance and daily support of a computer application referred to as an annuity engine.  It is used in the management of private investments and happens to be the smallest such software platform in use at the company.  Small yes, but somehow always capable of being expanded to take on new lines of business and implement new and unique requirements where other larger engines were not adaptable.  The system became known as the little engine that could after the child's story and book by that name first published in 1930.

The point of the story is that when faced with a challenge where bigger and stronger engines had failed or been afraid, this little engine repeated over and over "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can." in a cadence that mimicked the chugging of a steam engine.  She was ultimately successful, and after she had met the challenge she repeated "I new I could.  I knew I could. I knew I could." 

At the aforementioned going-away party each of us who are leaving the company was presented with a copy of the little book.  I reread it this morning, and although I did recall the story, I had forgotten what a marvelous lesson it was and still is for young children.  It is a lesson in positive thinking that needs to be refreshed in our minds every so often, and although it can sometimes come too late in our lives, it can never come too early.


  1. I think I can post and I could.

  2. Is that you, Anonymous? I knew you would! I knew you would! I knew you would!

  3. Nice post Steve, from fellow conductor (jfl)

  4. I guess this will be anonymous too, at least in the heading.

    Hi Steve, it's Dan Wolfe. Jerry pointed out this link. You are so right that we always could. 'Think' we can? Hah! How many times did the marketing people promise something to the clients and then come back to us and tell us what (and by what deadline!) some new feature was needed. Guess if we had ever let them down they would have stopped. But we didn't and they didn't either.

  5. Dan! It's been a long time. I appreciate the visit and great to hear from you.

  6. Steve, you and the boys will be sorrily missed in our small little team. No matter what, you, Jerry and Paul always came through for us, whether it was a small, medium, big or frustrating problem, the three of you always managed to help us. Enjoy your life to the fullest.
