Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is That My Heart?

“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right. Which one are you?”
Henry Ford

As I was being prepped for a routine medical procedure a few weeks ago, I could not help noticing a rather annoying beeping sound emanating from one of the machines next to me.  Beep beep beep beep.  After a few minutes it dawned on me what it might be, and it was alarming to me (no pun intended) how rapid the beeps were.  "Is that my heart?" I called out to whoever would hear me.  There were three female medical technicians talking behind me.  "Yes" one of them said.  "You are hearing your heart monitor." 

Without really thinking about it, I took a long deep breath and began letting it out slowly.  As I exhaled I thought to myself "Slow it down boy. Calm down. This is a piece of cake.  Calm your heart."  Immediately the rapid beeping slowed down.  It was so noticeable that it made me grin.  "Atta boy," I thought to myself.

 "What just happened?" one of the techs behind me asked. 
"He just calmed himself." another one answered.
"But how did he do that?" chatting as if I were not there.
"He just took his mind to a quiet place.  I have only known two people who could do that."
This experience confirmed for me the power of one's own mind, and I began thinking about starting a blog on the topic of positive thinking.  I have certainly given enough advice on the subject to friends and relatives who were facing difficulties in their lives.  The only difficulty in discussing such a topic is that there is a tendency in most of us to measure everything by our own beliefs or impressions.  But consider the possibility that if your constant thoughts are of sickness, want, failure, jealousy, or misery, you may just become what you think about all day long.  If you think you are doomed to failure, poverty or illness you are right. The good news is it's all in your mind.